Our Philosophy

As your second largest investment, your automobile needs should never be haphazard. Most successful ideas start with a good plan. We know the needs of each car owner can vary as widely as the options of make and models of cars available. These needs can even change between different vehicles in the same household. We can cater an auto plan for every car and car owner's individual needs.
Our goal is to lower your lifetime vehicle costs, while ensuring you receive consistent and reliable service from your cars.
Let Street Tech help you get what you need out of your car. We can give you the security and peace of mind you deserve!
Mission Statement
Key Market: Orangevale, Sacramento, Folsom, Surrounding Areas, People Who Care
Contribution: Car Care, Full Service Auto Repair, All Makes and Models, One Stop Shop, ASE Certified Mechanics, Reliable and Accurate Repairs
Distinction: Service, Warranty, Customized Auto Plan, Catered Car Care, Up To Date, Top Notch, Well Trained and Happy Employees, Stress Removal From Auto Repair