Please listen to your vehicle! Most cars have certain indicators in place to warn you of possible damage when things are not 'right' with certain systems.
That always dreaded check engine light is one that blares at you. Please don't ignore it, especially if there are symptoms that go along with it. If your check engine light comes on, feel free to stop by anytime and we will quickly pull the codes at no charge. We can then let you know if it's safe to continue driving, or if it could cause further damage, or a costly repair if not addressed right away. Some of your dashboard warning lights should always be taken seriously without delay. If your brake light comes on, it could signify a very serious safety issue, come on by and we can check it out for you. Two other lights or gauges are also very important warning systems. If you lose oil pressure or your engine temperature get abnormally high... you could potentially damage or destroy your engine. If you have a temperature or oil light on, or if your gauges are well outside the normal range you are familiar with... Safely pull over Immediately and shut off the engine. Continuing to drive under these conditions will almost definitely cause a more costly problem. It's important to keep all fluids between the minimum and maximum levels. If your not sure how to check these critical fluids, we will be happy to show you how to check them all, any time, at no cost!