Posted on 4/20/2015

Do you drive in stop-and-go traffic, or idle for extended periods? Do you make a lot of short trips? Do you drive on dusty/dirty roads, or tow a trailer? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are considered a "severe driver". This has nothing to do with your driving skills, it's just a measure of how hard your driving habits are on your car's oil. The engine's oil level should be checked often and changed every 3k-5k miles. If you are a "severe driver", you should stick to changing it every 3k miles. Most vehicles should have the oil and filter changed every 3,000 miles or every 3 months. Critical parts of your engine are lubricated, cooled, and cleaned by your car's oil and filter. If you hardly drive the vehicle you should still replace the oil regularly, because the oil will deteriorate after time and lose its lubricating factors. Every other oil change, or every 6,000 miles we recommend performing a 6k servi ... read more
Posted on 4/6/2015

We all know that sizzling season is coming. You know, the one where we all search for that shady spot to park the car! As you drive around on those hot summer days, spare a thought for your car and its cooling system working hard to keep you cool. Are you doing what you can to help your car keep up with all that heat? Here we have listed a few important tips to help you out! If you would like to check your coolant level, always make sure the vehicle is cooled off before attempting to remove the radiator cap. ( Did we say always? YES, ALWAYS!) Not following this important safety steps could give you your own personal scalding hot steam geyser under your hood... and a nice ride to the hospital. When the vehicle is hot, a lot of pressure builds in the radiator and associated systems, so you should wait at least an hour for the system to cool down and depressurize. If you find the coolant level ... read more
Posted on 2/14/2015

Does the thought of spring fill you with dread? Do you feel that coughing, sneezing, and itchy eyes go along with spring-time? We can help you keep those spring elements out of your vehicle. Most modern cars have a cabin air filter that filters out pollen and other contaminants that can come through the ventilation system into your cars interior. Not to be confused with the engine air filter, a component that keeps pollutants out of your engine, the cabin air filter will keep your car's passenger compartment clean from pollen, dust, and pollutants... so you can breathe easy on those gorgeous spring days! If you are curious if your car has a cabin air filter, or if it needs to be replaced, let Street Tech Auto Care help! We can tell you if your car is equipped a cabin air filter, show you where it is, and even show you what it looks like, so you can see for yourself how much it filters out. Of course, if it does need replacement, we will be happy to do that too
Posted on 12/29/2014

We all like to celebrate a New Year, but nobody wants to start the year with a DUI, or worse. We at Street Tech care about you and your safety. If you find yourself a little too merry to drive home this New Years Eve, call AAA for a free ride home for both you AND your car. Find more information about AAA's Tipsy Tow program by clicking on the link below. We promise you won't regret it in the morning! AAA New Years Eve Tipsy Tow Program We at Street Tech Auto Care would like to wish you a happy and safe New Year. We'll see you in