Posted on 5/22/2015
Memorial Day is approaching, which signals the beginning of road trip season. This summer many people will be heading out on that great American road trip! We live in a beautiful part of the world, with such wonders and great places to explore! How could you resist? Here are a few things to think about before-hand to help you get the most out of your adventures. Budget- It is amazing how quickly things can add up when we are on the open road. It is a good idea to set a realistic budget for how much you can afford to spend each day on meals, lodging, and fuel. Route- Plan the route to your destination and your stopping points for breaks. There is the TripTik Travel Planner ( which allows you to map your itinerary and make adjustments at anytime. It also helps locate gas stations, campgrounds, electric-vehicle charging pods, as well as hotel ... read more
Posted on 4/20/2015

Do you drive in stop-and-go traffic, or idle for extended periods? Do you make a lot of short trips? Do you drive on dusty/dirty roads, or tow a trailer? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are considered a "severe driver". This has nothing to do with your driving skills, it's just a measure of how hard your driving habits are on your car's oil. The engine's oil level should be checked often and changed every 3k-5k miles. If you are a "severe driver", you should stick to changing it every 3k miles. Most vehicles should have the oil and filter changed every 3,000 miles or every 3 months. Critical parts of your engine are lubricated, cooled, and cleaned by your car's oil and filter. If you hardly drive the vehicle you should still replace the oil regularly, because the oil will deteriorate after time and lose its lubricating factors. Every other oil change, or every 6,000 miles we recommend performing a 6k servi ... read more
Posted on 4/14/2015

April is national care care month! So take some time to take care of that car that gets you where you need to go every day. Your vehicle is one of the biggest and best investments you will make in your life. Proper maintenance will help ensure the longevity of that investment. There are certain preventative maintenance services that should be performed at certain mileage intervals. Of course, every vehicle is different so you should also refer to your owners manual to be sure of when to have these services done. Services that should be performed every 30,000 miles are: Transmission fluid service Engine coolant drain and fill Brake fluid flush If you have a four wheel drive or all wheel drive vehicle: Transfer case service Front and/or rear differential service A fuel injection service should be performed every 12 months. Other components such as your spark pl ... read more
Posted on 12/19/2014

Traveling to Grandma's this Christmas? Make sure your car is in shape for the long journey. Nothing will dampen that Christmas Spirit faster than sitting by the side of the road on a cold Christmas Eve. Don't be Grinch this Christmas, get your Pre-Travel inspection at Street Tech Auto Care. Our Pre-Travel inspection includes: Checking all the fluids in your vehicle, checking your tire pressure (which saves you gas), wipers/wiper fluid, and checking your battery capacity. It's also a good idea, to have your oil changed before you head out on your journey. Stop by Street Tech before your Christmas travels, and we will help make sure you get there safe and sound