Posted on 5/12/2015

We all know how the cost of gasoline can eat into you family's budget, but are there ways to make that 'bite' a bit smaller? Yes! Unfortunately we don't have a time machine, and can't get you back to buck a gallon gas, but we can trim that gas bill a bit with these helpful steps. Keep your engine tuned up - A misfiring spark plug can reduce fuel efficiency by as much as 30% (Fuel Savings up to $1.00 a gallon)Keep your tires properly inflated - Keeping tires properly inflated, will not only make your tires last longer but they will keep you safer. Of course proper tire pressure will save you gas too! Under-inflated tires will lower your gas mileage by 0.3% for every 1 psi (pounds per square inch) pressure. Always use the recommended tire pressure for your vehicle, you can find the proper tire pressure for your vehicle on the sticker in your drivers door-ja ... read more