Posted on 3/22/2016

At Street Tech Auto Care we can repair almost any car. Should you find yourself behind the wheel of something unusual and hear a strange sound... bring it on by and we can fix it. We have repaired many different types of vehicles from classic cars, motor-homes, motorcycles...if it has a motor we will work on it. We could even fix these odd examples of motoring excellence! We don't know where your going in this funky thing... but wherever it is, it looks like fun...can we come too? If your a cat lover... this has to be the Purrrrfect set of wheels It's time for that Family Vacation. Somehow we don't think this is going to end well! Now that's a little more like it. Add some class to your next camping trip! Never let small trunk space keep you from you ... read more
Posted on 8/13/2015

How many mechanics do you know that have their very own app for Android and iPhone? Well, you know at least one... Street Tech!Using the Street Tech app you can.... Request an Appointment Keep Track of Scheduled Maintenance on your vehicle Get great deals and find coupons. Get your 7th oil change free! Check out your Kelly Blue Book value. Find Safety Tips and Car Care Tips Use our Engine Recorder and Part Cam! (You know you want to!) There is even a Street Tech game!  
Posted on 7/15/2015

Everybody loves a new car! That feeling driving off the dealer lot basking in that new car smell! Oh, What Pleasure! Many of us get that urge to trade in the car that we've had for years for something shiny, new and younger... but there are many benefits in keeping that older car, and perhaps restoring some of the love you once felt. Here we have listed some of the benefits of an older car. This stuff you probably won't see in any slick TV commercials. 1) No Car Payment. Yep that's right, imagine what fun you can have with that $500 a month. Even factoring for the occasional repair cost on an older car, you will almost never pay anything close to what you pay on an annual car payment. 2) Lower insurance rates and car registration fees. More money you get to keep in your pocket. 3) Someone ding your door? Who cares! Not worrying about minor dings and scratches is one of the most u ... read more
Posted on 7/9/2015
Everybody loves a new car! That feeling driving off the dealer lot basking in that new car smell! Oh, What Pleasure! Many of us get that urge to trade in the car that we've had for years for something shiny, new and younger... but there are many benefits in keeping that older car, and perhaps restoring some of the love you once felt. Here we have listed some of the benefits of an older car. This stuff you probably won't see in any slick TV commercials. 1) No Car Payment. Yep that's right, imagine what fun you can have with that $500 a month. Even factoring for the occasional repair cost on an older car, you will almost never pay anything close to what you pay on an annual car payment. 2) Lower insurance rates and car registration fees. More money you get to keep in your pocket. 3) Someone ding your door? Who cares! Not worrying about minor dings and scratches is one of the most u ... read more
Posted on 6/24/2015

We have all seen that logo...but what does it mean? What is required to get it? What is "behind" it? ASE, is short for the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence. Since 1972 the independent non-profit organization has worked to improve the quality of vehicle repair and service by testing and certifying automotive professionals. Because the ASE program is primarily voluntary, ASE certification becomes a self-selecting credential that weeds out the incompetent. ASE certification was created to help make automotive technicians better. It's a tool that helps our technicians grow, learn and increase performance. Recent research shows that the act of preparing to take an ASE Certification exam actually improves a service tech's knowledge and retention. Other research shows a greater first-fix accuracy, lower comebacks, and higher cu ... read more
Posted on 6/9/2015

We have talked before about warning lights, but we wanted to go a little more in depth and give you more information about the lights, the color of the light, and what they can mean. Remember, Color is King! Here is a thumbnail guide to actions you should take in a warning light situation. Red indicates a potentially serious problem or safety issue. Attend to it! Red may also indicate an important reminder. Examples of Red Lights include: Brake Light - This is an unusual case, it can mean something extremely serious, or it could just mean your parking brake is still applied slightly. If this light comes on while driving, safely pull over, and check to make sure your parking brake is not applied. If it's not, it may indicate a more serious problem. Your car's brakes could potentially fail. This light is different to your ABS light (see below). Oil Pressure - This means your engine is not getting enough oil to properly lubri ... read more
Posted on 4/28/2015

Say you're driving home from work on a Friday afternoon. You're looking forward to getting home, having dinner, perhaps a refreshing beverage and a little relaxation. You're daydreaming about the pleasures that await you, and all of a sudden the car in front of you comes to a dead stop. In that split second, what are you going to rely on to save your weekend (and maybe your life)? You guessed it... Your Brakes! The brake system is your car's most important safety system. Brakes are a normal wear item on any vehicle. They periodically need to be replaced for safety reasons and performance. The entire brake system should be checked every year. The most wearable parts of the braking system include the brake pads/shoes, rotors/drums, calipers, and brake fluid. Speaking of brake fluid, the brake fluid should be changed every 30,000 miles, or as directed in your owners manual. Contaminated brake fluid may lead to corrosion ... read more
Posted on 4/20/2015

Do you drive in stop-and-go traffic, or idle for extended periods? Do you make a lot of short trips? Do you drive on dusty/dirty roads, or tow a trailer? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are considered a "severe driver". This has nothing to do with your driving skills, it's just a measure of how hard your driving habits are on your car's oil. The engine's oil level should be checked often and changed every 3k-5k miles. If you are a "severe driver", you should stick to changing it every 3k miles. Most vehicles should have the oil and filter changed every 3,000 miles or every 3 months. Critical parts of your engine are lubricated, cooled, and cleaned by your car's oil and filter. If you hardly drive the vehicle you should still replace the oil regularly, because the oil will deteriorate after time and lose its lubricating factors. Every other oil change, or every 6,000 miles we recommend performing a 6k servi ... read more
Posted on 4/14/2015

April is national care care month! So take some time to take care of that car that gets you where you need to go every day. Your vehicle is one of the biggest and best investments you will make in your life. Proper maintenance will help ensure the longevity of that investment. There are certain preventative maintenance services that should be performed at certain mileage intervals. Of course, every vehicle is different so you should also refer to your owners manual to be sure of when to have these services done. Services that should be performed every 30,000 miles are: Transmission fluid service Engine coolant drain and fill Brake fluid flush If you have a four wheel drive or all wheel drive vehicle: Transfer case service Front and/or rear differential service A fuel injection service should be performed every 12 months. Other components such as your spark pl ... read more