Posted on 7/15/2015

Everybody loves a new car! That feeling driving off the dealer lot basking in that new car smell! Oh, What Pleasure! Many of us get that urge to trade in the car that we've had for years for something shiny, new and younger... but there are many benefits in keeping that older car, and perhaps restoring some of the love you once felt. Here we have listed some of the benefits of an older car. This stuff you probably won't see in any slick TV commercials. 1) No Car Payment. Yep that's right, imagine what fun you can have with that $500 a month. Even factoring for the occasional repair cost on an older car, you will almost never pay anything close to what you pay on an annual car payment. 2) Lower insurance rates and car registration fees. More money you get to keep in your pocket. 3) Someone ding your door? Who cares! Not worrying about minor dings and scratches is one of the most u ... read more
Posted on 7/9/2015
Everybody loves a new car! That feeling driving off the dealer lot basking in that new car smell! Oh, What Pleasure! Many of us get that urge to trade in the car that we've had for years for something shiny, new and younger... but there are many benefits in keeping that older car, and perhaps restoring some of the love you once felt. Here we have listed some of the benefits of an older car. This stuff you probably won't see in any slick TV commercials. 1) No Car Payment. Yep that's right, imagine what fun you can have with that $500 a month. Even factoring for the occasional repair cost on an older car, you will almost never pay anything close to what you pay on an annual car payment. 2) Lower insurance rates and car registration fees. More money you get to keep in your pocket. 3) Someone ding your door? Who cares! Not worrying about minor dings and scratches is one of the most u ... read more